
Thank you for taking the time to read this short introduction. My name is Denise and I am a intergrative counsellor with a strong foundation in the person-centred approach. My aim as a Counsellor is to continually hold the hope when things can seem bleak.

A little about me:

My training began working within a local ‘Rape Crisis’ and sexual abuse charity initially as a volunteer, but now I am a paid Counsellor there. I have had experience working with a variety of clients from the age of 11 years of age upwards. My passion is for working with trauma and personality disorders. I enjoy undertaking training to ensure that my skillset remains fresh and that I can offer the best possible experience.

How I work:

I am an Integrative counsellor who pulls on a wide variety of counselling approaches to ensure the techniques and strategies adopted are suitable for your individual needs. I work very differently to many approaches as I believe that therapy works its best when it’s collaborative and is based on trust. I aim to offer a safe, non-judgemental empathic space so we can explore your concerns together at a speed you dictate and are comfortable with as you know yourself better than anyone.

Whilst counselling is traditionally a talking therapy I am also able to work in a creative way to explore any concerns that aren’t always easy to express with speech. I am able to draw on other modalities and therapeutic approaches if required such as Transactional Analysis, The Rewind Technique and Mindfulness to ensure that the therapeutic process meets your needs

My qualifications:

  • Working introduction to DBT
  • Positive Outcomes for Dissociative Disorders – Practitioners Course – Working with Dissociative Disorders in Clinical Practice
  • Working Introduction to Transactional Analysis
  • CPCAB Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
  • International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy – Practitioners Certificate
  • OCN Level 3 Certificate – Supporting Survivors of Rape and Sexual Violence
  • CPCAB Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies
  • CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills